Level 1 | Enter and exit water using the wall and ladder with instructor assistance. Grab a submerged object from platform with instructor assistance while blowing bubbles with mouth and nose. Front float with instructor assistance. Back float with instructor assistance. Swim 5 yards on front with barbell while blowing bubbles without instructor assistance. Swim 5 yards on back with barbell without instructor assistance. Exhale underwater and inhale to both sides 3 times. Kick underwater in a streamlined position 1 yard with instructor assistance.
Level 2 | Jump into chest deep water independently. Move independently without a floatation device on front and back 3 yards. Fully submerge head and grab object off platform with instructor assistance. Front float for 5 seconds without assistance. Back float for 10 second without assistance. Roll from a front to a back float and a back to a front float with instructor assistance. Swim 5 yards on front with a barbell and face in the water using a flutter kick and alternating arm actions. Swim 5 yards on back with barbell. Exhale underwater and rotary breath to both sides 10 times. Kick underwater in a streamline 1 yard with little or no instructor assistance. Introduction to treading water with instructor assistance.
Level 3 | Jump into deep water and return to wall with little or no instructor assistance. Kick on back 5+ yards without assistance. Introduction to sculling. Grab one object off pool bottom with no assistance. Roll from front to back float and back to front float without assistance. Swim on front 5+ yards using a flutter kick and freestyle arms without assistance. Swim on back 5+ yards using flutter kick and freestyle arms without assistance. Streamline push-off from the wall and kick underwater 5+ yards. Tread water for 30 seconds. Introduction to breaststroke and elementary backstroke.
Level 4 | Jump into deep water and return to wall without assistance. Kick on back 10 yards. Tread water (with proper form) for 45 seconds. Grab multiple objects off pool bottom without assistance. Intro to side stroke. Swim freestyle 10 yards. Swim backstroke 10 yards. Swim elementary backstroke 10 yards. Streamline wall push-off and kick underwater 5 yards. Introduction to diving from the side of the pool.
Level 5 | Kneeling dive with no instructor assistance. Kick on back 15 yards. Tread water for 60 seconds. Swim freestyle 15 yards with good balance, rotation, and breathing on both sides. Swim backstroke 15 yards with good balance and rotation. Transition from kicking underwater to surface swimming on front and back. Swim breastroke 15 yards. Standing dives from the side of the pool with under water kicking to the surface.
Level 6 | Standing dive from pool edge with little or no instructor assistance. Tread water 120 seconds. Introduction to butterfly. Swim freestyle 30 yards with good balance, rotation, breathing and flip turn. Swim backstroke 30 yards with good balance, rotation and flip turn. Flip turn with 5 yards underwater kicking to the surface. Swim breastroke 25 yards. Dolphin kick 15 yards.
Level 7 | Dive from the starting blocks and backstroke start from the deck and begin swimming. Swim freestyle 100 yards with flip turns. Swim backstroke 100 yards with flip turns. Swim breaststroke 75 yards. Butterfly and breastroke open turns with 5 yards of underwater kicks. Dive into pool and begin treading water for 2 minutes.